Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Sometimes it is the little things that give us a sense of accomplishment.... finally getting to the bottom of the ironing pile, getting that hole sewn up in your favourite (or as in my case .. my only) pair of jeans, or going for a brisk walk.
Sometimes it is trying something new that gives us that sense of accomplishment - like tackling the technological challenge of setting up a new blog :)
Sometimes it is attempting something we thought beyond our ability - like crossing the ocean on a sailing vessel.
Sometimes it is tackling a "want to do that someday" project ...

For me that someday project was a today project.
I must have removed more than 4 dozen screws, nuts and bolts in the dismantling of my gimballed alcohol boat stove.  It was a good little stove - but had not been properly mounted by the previous owner and so everytime I needed to refill the alcohol in the burner pans I risked losing my thumbs and fingers.  I had reverted to learning to cook in a toaster oven and use a single burner butane stove .. thus making my cleverly gimballed stove an inconvenient waste of space. 
So ...... I decided last week it had to go.  .. and tonight instead of a stove I have a storage unit.

What a sense of accomplishment in making a decision to do something outside of the scope of my comfort zone, following through and completing the project. 

It is these accomplishments that help to build our self esteem and to realize our potential. 

It is my wish that my teen son can find his own projects, endeavours or niche skills that will give him that sense of accomplishment and purpose that this stage of life so needs.  The fragility of a teen's self esteem waivers precariously between peer and parental approvals.  It takes us back to my previous entry on worthiness.  They put so much value on others' opinions and have not yet learned to value themselves for who they are. 

When my son returned from a school Spirit Day of Outward Bound activities - his sense of pride and worth were soaring due to his accomplishments on the obstacle course.  He challenged his fears and tackled the high wire walk and zip lines.  He was boosted by the comments and approval of his teachers and peers  - but ultimately it was his sense of accomplishment that lead to the realization of his potential and a much needed lift in his self esteem.
The challenge for him, as for many of us, is finding that same sense of accomplishment in the every day activities.

Upon completing my project today I am left with an "I can do anything" attitude and am ready to seek out my next project.  Perhaps I will eventually figure out how to sail this boat!! :)  ... but until then, I will focus on the little daily accomplishments that are necessary to keep me moving forward.

Accomplishments are the stepping stones to success. They are not always smoothly paved or on a straight path ... but you only have to take one step at a time. Each time you take a step in the same direction you are moving forward.

Wishing you a week of accomplishments - even if it is as simple as getting to the bottom of the ironing pile!

CPM to you.
:) Sun

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