Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Exerpts from my recent personal journal:
"This much I know to be true .... not much of anything really!! 
I doubt myself as an artist, mother, businesswoman, etc, etc. (A friend) called tonight with all the advice on running the business - things I know already and have done" ....
"I think there is a sense of ego there that is making (me) feel inferior - but this much I know to be true ....
I put thought and honour into (my work)".

How do we determine our worthiness?
Is it by the comments others make of us or are we strong enough to believe in ourselves and value our own opinions and decisions?

If we live our lives with integrity and apply ourselves with diligence - then we should consider ourselves worthy.
If we treat others with respect and our own self too then we should consider ourselves worthy.
If we are honest in everything and with everyone - then we should consider ourselves worthy.
If we are living a GENUINE life ... being true to who you feel you are, true to your principles, true to your goals.... then we ARE worthy.

Final excerpt from that entry was:
" This much I know to be true ...... I am GENUINE."

I wish for you the courage to find your Worthiness in yourself and not in the opinions others have of you.
Be GENUINE and you are on the right track.

Wishing you a CPM weekend.
:) Sun

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