Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Geesh .. .communication takes effort!

This blogging stuff is hard work! I love the concept but will certainly be doing it for me as an electronic journal more than anything.  For someone who is artistic .. I have never been a gadget person and always complain that I can paint an ad faster than I can create something on the computer.  Now I have to maintain a website (hate doing!), a Facebook fanpage for the Studio and I have started this blog ... I think this is a case of e-saturation for me! Will give it a fair shot .. and maybe once I have the formatting down it will be easier.  Inspirations come from some many places but I never thought it would be from this little bunch of bolts on my lap.
I have kept journals .. written and photographic ones .. but time has a way of messing things up sometimes.  Photos get damaged by mildew (thanks to Bermuda's dampness) .. and my written journals are at times incomprehensible because I have been feverishly scribbling in bed as I am drifting to sleep. Sometimes the journals have been written as a cathartic expression of my anger, sorrow, grief, frustration or fears .. and having the weepies or the stormies when writing doesn't translate well on the page. 

I recently completed a series of plates called "The Art of Conversation: The Social Scrolls" - these handbuilt sushi plates each have a quote from a local social activist - but each on universal topics such as poverty, race, politics, art, the environment, etc. The collection as a whole is supposed to be a social commentary on our loss of the ability to communicate and have conversation.  We have become so attached to our electronics that we have become detached from our human connections.  Our lives are constantly intruded by tv, computers, cell phones, etc that one can rarely finish a conversation without someone receiving or replying to a text midsentence.  Because of this we have forgot how to converse with each other.  The plates are like queue cards at the dining table - prompts for conversation - to stimulate and revive a dying art.

Can we just turn it all off for a little while and sit down and talk.

I am going to turn off my computer now as it is the weekend .. and I want to spend it doing something worthwhile with family and friends. 

I think this calls for a big sit down breakfast and some real conversation.

Ciao for now.
Wishing you a CPM today.

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