Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Live, Laugh, Love Part III

Onto Love ... ah! Love ... doesn't it seem like a word that should be expressed with a long sigh?

'Love Always' is the last part of the Live, Laugh, Love saying.

Perhaps one would think that I am not the best person to give advice on Love since I haven't been in a relationship in many years, however, I think it quite the opposite.  When one is not in the picture it is easier to step back and see the picture.  

I have been able to take my personal experiences and not become jaded or cynical .. which is what Love Always is all about.

Love Always doesn't mean we should always be IN love.  It means we should continue loving despite our experiences or circumstances.

If you really truly understand the meaning of Love and you respect the concept of Love then you do not change the way you treat someone because of how you were treated.  You do not disrespect a person because they were disrespectful towards you. 

If you really Love someone .. then when that love changes (as romantic love usually does) ... then you learn to grow with the change .. and if it changes in such a way that one person no longer wants to be in the relationship .. then you must respect that and let them go.  There is an old saying that if you really love,  like the butterfly you should set it free and if it is meant to be it will come back and sit softly on your shoulder.

My butterfly didn't come back ... instead I had what felt like a wheelbarrow of bricks land on my shoulders!
.... so it wasn't meant to be. ... but I loved enough to respect that life isn't always about my way .. and to understand that it was time to take a different road. 
Of course it was difficult .. but I tried to be honourable and respectful, not vindictive or spiteful. 

That is what Love Always means.  You don't just love when it is easy, when things are going smoothly or when you are skipping down a rose petaled path.  Love Always is still loving when things are at their hardest.

Love is not just something reserved for a spouse or partner.

Love - or being loving - should be found in every relationship you encounter.
Being loving is being empathetic to someone else's life or position or opinion. 
Being loving is about respect.
Being loving is noted in the way we talk to our children, or treat our coworkers, or help a needy friend or just acknowledge another person's presence.

Love Always should be a daily part of one's life.

I feel so fortunate to know that I am who I am because I choose to Love Always. be empathetic.... to respect....  to be honourable... to be kind. 

I hope you find Love Always in your life - whether receiving or giving ... and remember - it doesn't always come from the person you "expect" it from. (Love is not something to be demanded or expected) ... but Love might come in a form you might not even recognize in the kindness of a stranger. 

When we are being loving towards others .. then we are being kind spirited.... but when others are being loving towards us .. then those are the Chocolate Pudding Moments you should acknowledge and cherish.

Wishing you a CPM given in love .. and an understanding of  Love Always so you may pass on a CPM to someone else.

Ciao for Now.
x sun

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