Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Setting Goals

Last night I celebrated the opening of a joint ceramic exhibition with three other studio artists from my pottery.  The show had been booked early on in the year, yet more than 10 months on there were still the last minute things to be accomplished.

Having the show to work towards gave us a Goal.  It was a wonderful experience to see a project through to completion.  Setting Goals is a healthy way to measure off this time line called Life. 

Setting Goals gives you a direction, a path, an objective.
Pursuing those Goals gives you purpose, motivation and structure.
Attaining those Goals gives you a sense of accomplishment, completion, satisfaction.

When done, it is then time to set the next Goal on your time line. 

By working towards a show I believe we all experienced similar feelings at varying times - whether it was excitement at determining an idea, empowerment in executing something new or disappointment in a failed attempt.  We were concerned about expenses, frustrated by indecisions, enthused by successes.
The experience for us was a very creative and positive one.  It was a shared goal that found us working together providing advice and encouragement to each other.  Each person filled a niche - I focused on marketing the event through Facebook, email lists and the press, another person designed,created, printed and posted the invitations, others provided a network of friends and family to support the event.  We meshed our strengths to reach a common goal.

Yet, all of the emotions, challenges and accomplishments are part of the process in acheiving one's goals.
We describe our Goals as being ACHEIVED, not RECEIVED.
Something that is received is easily attainable, something that is acheived is earned. 

We reached our Goal. It was definitely an earned experience. 

Having Dreams and Goals are very different. 
Dreams are those aspirations that are perhaps longterm, unrealistic or perhaps just intangible.
Goals are identifiable and attainable.
Goals are realistic and present.
Goals are quantified by the probability not the possibility.

As we head towards the end of another, all too quickly over year -
 Did you have any goals or did you drift from day to day in a life of sameness?
If you set a goal, did you stay on the path of pursuit .. and moreso, did you attain it?

If you did, you probably understand the euphoric feeling it brings and are ready to set the next goal.

It's like eating good quality chocolate .. once you have a taste of it .. you look forward to the next piece and the next. Once the chocolate is gone - you at least know the satisfaction of having enjoyed that experience.  It is why we say we crave chocolate - once experienced, the knowledge of its pleasure stays with you. 

The same with Goals.  Once accomplished, it is the knowledge of the satisfaction that it brought that drives us to seek out more.  You can't wait for that next piece.

Wishing you the satisfaction of Goals fulfilled and the desire to pursue the next.

CPM to you.


  1. Thank you for taking the time to share your inspirations, dreams and goals - it truly is food for thought. I do have some goals for 2011 but need to let the thought process come naturally and not to be forced, thus misdirected. For me it's about being kind to myself and knowing that doors are frequently opening and closing but knowing when it's the right time to take that step over the thresh-hold.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    I received your comment. Thank you so much. I totally agree with you about letting your goals happen naturally. I studied to be an educator at university and was doing 2 degrees concurrently - but near the end of my programme the structure for the Con-Ed students was changed and fees increased. As a foreign student on a scholarship I had to make a life changing decision within a matter of minutes. I did not want to put that additional financial burden on my parents and thus that door slammed shut on me with a very loud bang! I had to drop the Ed degree and just finish the BAH. I pursued that goal for another 14 years - and each time I tried the door closed. It took a lot of closed doors before I realized that it wasn't meant to be ...
    Yet, on the other hand, when I was selecting universities I had told my teachers I wanted to go to art school but they wouldn't let me and insisted I apply to academic universities... which I did. I had always wanted to have my own art studio. That had been my real goal. It took 14 years of closed doors as a teacher and a very sad divorce to realize my dream of having my own art studio. I had finally attained my goal .. but some goals - or perhaps dreams? .. happen in their own time. I guess the important thing is to realize what goals are realistic and attainable within our own means .. and what goals will need to be given more time and patience. Like you said .. Be kind to yourself. A goal shouldn't push you over the edge or make your life intolerable .. it should be something rewarding and satisfying. Thanks again for sharing :) cheers Sun
