Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Chicken and the Gale

I saw something for the first time ever today .. and it wasn't a pretty sight .. a mother hen and her very young brood were trying to seek shelter from the gale force winds and half of the chicks were being blown like tumbleweeds, head over heels uncontrollably (do chickens have heels?). The last of the group couldn't catch up and I would guess was getting pretty disorientated from the experience. I couldn't just watch so I got out of my car and into the stinging rain to scoop him up and take him to his mother. Shortly after, a friend and I got out of the car to experience the awesome power of the wind at the top of Whale Bay cliff. We kept getting blown backwards .. and though we weren't tumbled in somersaults like the little chick .. the experience was similar in that the wind kept driving us from our destination and we were powerless in its presence.

Mother Nature is all encompassing .. from the mighty wind and waves to the tiniest newborn chick braving the elements. We are just like that little chick in the incessant storm - powerless to forces greater than us .. so why do humans continue to think that they are so superior?

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