Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trial by Fire

So I was last seen wallowing in self pity and struggling to find a CPM during a very tough time.
I believe this is what is commonly known as Faith.
My mum used to say "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
She was right .. it is that inexplicable proof that holding on to a belief that it will get better usually becomes evident after the fact .. but until such time you just have Faith that it will.

Such was our story.
I realize that the place I am in now is 10 times better than where I have been for the past 10 years -from an emotional and communicative perspective - especially in my role as a mother and in my views of myself as a divorcee.
However, I also acknowledge, as do others involved in the recent personal challenges we have experienced, that we would realistically not be in this healthier and more manageable position had we not gone through our trial by fire.

Bottom Line - life sucks sometimes and it gets pretty messy, ugly and really hard .. but you can't just walk away.
Like I said before - you reach a point of helplessness and realize that you have to ask for help and let the rest just be.
You have to hold on to Faith. You have to Believe. You have to look for those chocolate pudding moments just to keep you positive.

I would not have wished my challenges on anyone but I am utterly grateful for this Trial by Fire that helped burn away old misconceptions and assumptions and gave birth to our new beginning.

I feel like a new chapter has just been started on my Life Journey .. and one day I will fill you in on the story.

Thanks for letting me share.
Sometimes our CPMs are disguised as challenges and trials .. but when you look back on those times - they have often brought about significant changes that may not have otherwise occured.

Appreciating the tough stuff is just as important as celebrating the obvious rewarding moments.

CPM to you .. and remember if you are experiencing life's challenges - it may just be preparing you for something better.

sun :)

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