Yours Truly

Yours Truly
An appreciation for chocolate from an early age

Friday, April 22, 2011


Wisdom is one of those attributes that goes hand in hand with experience.
Usually it is the result of an experience that makes us reflect on our attitude, thoughts, words and actions ... and more often than not that reflection carries a sense of "should have - could have" regrets.
We ponder the things we said and did and wonder what would have happened had we chose a different path or course of action.
Life is full of these daily reminders that our choices are often spontaneous and reactionary.

Life happens and we happen back.

That's where you start understanding why the old adage of "Wisdom comes with Age". As you get older your Life experiences increase, become more far reaching and cross bridges that you never thought possible.

It is so very easy to think you have the answers to others' challenges or problems - but we don't because everyone's walk is different. Even for those who have had similar journeys - the elements of that journey are still very individual - so we can never truly understand or appreciate another person's story - though we can certainly be empathetic.

When we reflect on our own experiences and journeys - it is so easy to rewrite the script in your head as to how you think it should have been.
When Life presents you with a similar script it is amazing how often we forget that we have read this one already and forget the lessons learned when it comes to our own lives but can so readily recognize it in someone else's life and think we have the answers as to how they can rewrite the script to change the ending.

Wisdom is recognizing when you find yourself crossing the same bridge and use your past experience to determine which fork in the road you will choose.
Wisdom is using what you have learned to avoid returning to the same bridges.

Wisdom is understanding that you cannot change the past.
Wisdom is appreciating that the experience was a necessary part of the journey in order for you to learn and figure out the map ahead.
Wisdom is realizing that the journey is different for everyone but that the paths we choose will cross, diverge or join.

Wisdom is thinking before action.
Wisdom is sharing the journey.
Wisdom is humble.

I wish for you enriching experiences to nurture your wisdom.

CPM to you.

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